COVID 19 : Coup de Grace or Renaissance

Rutvij Shah
3 min readMay 3, 2021
The night is long and the battle is fierce, but you are not alone!

COVID 19 is a calamity, not an opportunity. Thousands have passed away, millions of livelihoods affected, and countless others stare in despair as the scourge of this morbid malady claims more than just lives. As economic growth plummets to shocking lows, financial security takes a massive hit as entire continents reel in the aftershocks of the pandemic. Empty streets, deserted cities, desolate shopping hubs and abandoned trains all leading to a defeated populace; deeply entrenched in their sense of hollowness, devoid of joy or occasion to celebrate. It might seem at the moment, that we have truly been forsaken. As if the wrath of fate has engulfed us in a blaze of fury.

But have we really lost? Because in these wretched times, we have witnessed the best in us emerge. From the medical fraternity protecting us, every bit as valiant as knights in shining armor to the fearless law enforcement officers patrolling the streets and upholding the law as its gallant warriors. From the undaunted journalists who put their lives on the line to bring us stories of courage and character to the government functionaries that persevere tirelessly to strike a delicate balance between life and commerce. From the empathetic employers who support their employees, to the goliath industries that have donated critical aid like oxygen cylinders. From the stores that provide essential services to the scientists in their labs burning the midnight oil and challenging the very limits of human potential to bring us vaccines and medical elixir to sustain life. From the noble hearted souls who offer food and aid to the needy to the teachers who continue to disseminate knowledge leveraging digital learning. These and many more champions have come forward and helped us endure. They carry the beacon of hope and exhibit the indomitable spirit of mankind. These testing times are not merely a test for humans, but a test of our humanity.

The air is cleaner than ever before, as sweet as the ambrosia from the heavens. The waters are cleansed at last, flowing gracefully with the sparkle of a thousand resplendent suns. The forests reclaim their glory, growing untainted and unsullied. Animals, birds, marine life and insects breathe a sigh of relief, flourishing at the nurturing bosom of nature. Not unlike an overburdened mother tirelessly clearing up her child’s mess, mother earth cleans up the debris and wreckage we left in our wake as we stubbornly march on with our endless greed. Man has finally been forced to pause and reorder his priorities. As we forged ahead, ravaging the pristine beauty of the environment, blinded by conceit and hubris, we were served a timely reminder of our mortality and fragile nature. Only to emerge stronger and wiser. And like everything else, remember, even this shall come to pass.

Submerged beneath a deluge of news on shortages, mishandling and fraudulent practices; there is resentment and anguish at the overall atmosphere of helplessness. The allocation of blame must come, but it must be exercised at the right time. Right now, what we need is compassion and support. When in dire need, people care less about who condemned them and more about who can save them. For every ominous message about the desperate times, there is a story of strength and courage. Rest assured that though this battle has been difficult and the night has been long, we are not alone. For all it takes to banish the overwhelming darkness is a flickering flame of hope

Let us look up from our misery and despondence, and appreciate the wisdom that these circumstances profess. And be grateful, for these dark times have brought out our strength, unity, compassion, fortitude and humility. And the economy shall bounce back, the ill shall regain their health, the fractured families will heal and commerce shall once again rise from its nadir to reach its zenith. For man was never truly lost, merely strayed from his path. In time, we shall scale the heights of success and growth. But this time, we shall be just a little wiser than before. For if we but change our lens, we shall see that COVID 19 is not a calamity, it is an opportunity.

Stay Safe!


Rutvij Shah



Rutvij Shah

Consultant by day, writer at night. Lifelong learner. Hope to be the harbinger of positive Change. Aspire to be Chief Innovator at a Global Think Tank.